My top 10 TIPS for regenerating your body and soul this New Year!
In need of some soul regeneration after the stress and strain of last year.
This is my personal list of ten ways to set yourself straight for the new cycle.
GO DRY for January
everyone who knows me knows I love a champas over the celebration season, but if you feel your body needs a break from alcohol this January feel free to join Belinda in DRY JANUARY! You might be amazed at the difference it makes to your wellbeing.
Journal your intentions
the best way to cement your intentions for the New Cycle is to write them down, and mean it. Make a small list (don’t overdo it) of the things you want your soul to focus on this year. Don’t forget to give yourself some time to reflect on what you did well last year, because self-punishment and shaming yourself achieves nothing. We are always growing. You are NOT the same person you were a year ago.
Gratitude list every night
ending the day in a vibration of gratitude is one of the best ways to implement this powerful feeling into your subconscious before sleep and for the next day ahead. Gratitude is the most transformative energy to embody so give it a go.
Try a morning manifesting meditation
if you would like to try a meditation, you’ve come to the right place. The main thing to remember is when you meditate it is not about “thinking about nothing” that’s impossible. Your thoughts will come and ago, more importantly just FEEL your body and nervous system settle a bit and you know you’re on the right track.
This is my recommendation for a lovely morning manifestation meditation to start the year well LINK HERE
Change up your diet
don’t go crazy on this one. Big changes won’t last. Just add a few polyphenols for detoxing such as cherries, red cabbage, cinnamon or tumeric and you are on your way. My favourite powerful detoxing food is chia with coconut yoghurt and some berries on top! Or any roasted nuts, with lots of garlic, butter and paprika :) As usual the greens are the way to go, if you hate greens, try roasting kale with olive oil and a bit of salt for kale chips yum!
Move with mindfulness
Okay I am totally biased towards yoga of course, but even doing housework with a focus on staying calm and centred in your body can be very healthy for you. Any movement you combine with a focus on your body and breath at the same time will feel amazing. Other suggestions include tai chi, swimming, mindful walking or simply dancing in your lounge room.
Get into nature
you don’t have to hike Mount Warning to get into nature, your local park or walking track will suffice. As long as there are trees you can hear the birds, the breeze and embody the natural surroundings you will feel so much more alive.
Bathe in magnesium
our bodies tend to deplete in this wonderful element at this time of year, do yourself a favour and book in a soak at a bathhouse, run a bath with epsom salts or take yourself on a date to CityCave.
Sauna for detox
the research around infra-red saunas is mounting, the sweeds had it right. Saunas not only detox you, but they reduce inflammation in the body, reduce muscle aches and tension, improve digestion and detoxing through sweating and help with hormone regulation.
Get a healing
get your woo-woo on and find a reputable Reiki healer or shamanic healer nearby, a craniosacral practitioner or even try acupuncture! The list is endless of fabulous ways to release negative energy, if you want any suggestions for the above contact me :)