What does it mean to increase your vibration?
Sounds strange, but our bodies actually vibrate at a frequency! Just like sound, or waves in the ocean, we vibrate and hum at a certain level. Everything has a rhythm and everything is energy. It’s scientifically measurable, and study in this area crosses many domains like nanophysics, vibrational medicine and energy psychology.
The idea that everything is energy is rooted in spiritual origins, but it makes intuitive sense! You can literally pick up on someone’s “vibe”. It’s no wonder we rock babies who are upset to soothe them! And from a physics and cellular perspective, all atoms and molecules vibrate at a certain frequency emitting electromagnetic waves. So it makes sense that our actions, feelings and behaviours can respond to and affect our magnetic field (see Dr Joe Dispenza’s wonderful research).
“You are the creator of your own experience” - Abraham Hicks
When you think about how a low energy emotion feels in your body like shame, jealousy or sadness, it actually feels slower and deeper than say excitement or gratitude. These emotions (or energy) feel lighter and more energetic, and bring about completely different reactions neurobiologically, as well as behaviourally.
According to Abraham-Hicks, the proponent of the Law of Attraction, “As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” This very law states that what you unleash on the universe will return back to you. Thus, you must be responsible for your actions, thoughts, and emotions as “like attracts like”.
So what does it mean to increase your vibration?
Psychology research suggests we all have a “happiness set point” - a combination of what we’ve experienced in life, our mindset, psychological defenses, and emotional baggage - if we are constantly in a state of trauma, sadness, overwhelm, stress or anger, we are going to attract low energy experiences and people around us. To raise that energy level, set point or vibration, focus consistently on ways you can feel self-love, spend time with people who are good for you, appreciate yourself or those around you, engage in relaxation or therapy to alleviate negativity, exercise, time in nature, manifestations or positive affirmations, dance! paint! sing! the list is endless. But it does take a bit of commitment and a sense of self-awareness to catch our natural negativity bias that can easily creep in if we don’t stay mindful and present, instead of sinking into our old patterns of negativity.
Our own healing and self-care is not just for us, it’s for those around us too. If like attracts like then the best thing we can do for the ones we love is provide that contagious, magnetic energy field that lifts us as well as others!
Your mind is capable of endless possibilities.