Yoga For Emotional Wellbeing Online
Welcome to my 9 Part Online Series on YouTube!
Combining “tapping” or EFT with some lovely hatha yoga sequences to bring you back into your body, relieve stress, let go of emotional difficulties, and be kind to yourself.
Tapping has been demonstrated to significantly reduce stress hormones, take your brain out of fight-flight, reduce pain, alleviate suffering and painful emotions, and clear trauma memories or somatic patterns in our body. So what better a technique to combine with the benefits of yoga!!!
In addition, treat yourself to some self-care, emotional attunement, and tension release and complete your day.
The final yoga session for our 9 part series Yoga for Emotional Wellbeing Online - completing the cycle and rounding off the year with a smile and some lovely movement plus breathing to help let go of all the stress of the year.
8th of the 9 part series of yoga for emotional wellbeing online embracing, for just what your soul needs this time of year to replenish
Healing our 7th instalment of Yoga for Emotional Wellbeing online for bringing all the healing vibes onto the mat and into your life
Our 6th instalment of yoga for emotional wellbeing online is “enjoying”.
Part 5 of Yoga for Emotional Wellbeing online is Inviting!
Accepting is the theme for our 4th instalment to the yoga for emotional wellbeing online series
Part 3 of Yoga for Emotional Wellbeing Online, “Nurturing”, bringing the two worlds together for some care and compassion.
2nd instalment in Yoga for Emotional Wellbeing Online, “Noticing”, combining the magic of tapping with movement and breath and awareness. Treat yourself and give your body and mind a moment of self-care.
Part 1 of Yoga For Emotional Wellbeing series Online. Join me for the beginner introduction to yoga and the basics of a hatha sequence. Combat nerves about starting your practice and give it a go!
For more information on Tapping see Evidence Based EFT or my Tapping 101 basics tutorial on YouTube.